Area Development Programmes (ADP)
World Vision Hong Kong supported 2 ADPs to improve the livelihoods of children and their families, and encouraged their active participation in the process of building a sustainable community.
Ran savings groups to cultivate the habit of saving and good financial practices, benefitting over 1,600 members.
Trained about 1,860 students, teachers and medical staff on the importance of disaster risk reduction, enabling them to implement mitigation strategies and develop early warning systems for adverse events.
Improved the livelihoods and social protection of about 240 targeted most vulnerable families through the Ultra Poor Graduation approach, providing them with productive assets to develop sustainable sources of income and meet the needs of their children.
Child Protection
Advocated child protection to 8,500 parents and caregivers, helping them realise the importance of child protection policy and accept their role and responsibilities in improving child protection mechanism.
Organised counselling, training and workshops on positive discipline methods, helping over 5,800 community members learn to respect, motivate, provide autonomy, and set family rules together with their children.
Monitored the well-being of about 4,230 most vulnerable children and households through a team of home visitors who would help them gain access to the social welfare services needed.
Provided 10,500 children from 3,500 families with emergency support, such as food supplies, cash, hygiene kits, school supplies and information and communication materials, enabling the most vulnerable groups to overcome difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Helped thoroughly clean 12 schools and 17 kindergartens, allowing about 17,320 children to return to disinfected schools after COVID-19 restrictions were lifted.
Provided a new water purification system in 2 areas to improve hygiene, benefitting about 880 pupils, teachers and school staff.
Provided shelter, sink and watering can and standard latrines for about 240 families.
Educated over 1,060 children and youths on life skills and how to protect themselves and others.
Provided spiritual nurturing for 840 children and youths, helping them develop a positive attitude to love their friends, family and neighbours.
Funding (HK$): $10,426,580; No. of Beneficiaries: 98,500