World Vision Hong Kong in Malawi (2020)

World Vision Hong Kong in Malawi (2020)


As a landlocked country in Southern Africa, Malawi is one of the world’s poorest countries, despite making significant economic and structural reforms in recent years. With about 80% of the population working in agriculture, the country’s economy depends heavily on the sector vulnerable to natural disasters caused by climate change. Also, the COVID-19 pandemic has devastated Malawi’s economy and limited development, making an already poor country even poorer.

World Vision has been implementing relief, development and advocacy interventions in Malawi since 1982. We are partnering with local stakeholders and the government to improve the well-being of children, with our work currently covering all 28 districts of the country.

In 2020, World Vision Hong Kong contributed approximately HK$20.38 million to support 4 ADPs and 3 other projects in Malawi, benefiting about 130,200 people.

2020 Work Highlights

Area Development Programmes (ADP)

World Vision Hong Kong supported 4 ADPs to improve the livelihoods of children and their families, and encouraged their active participation in the process of building a sustainable community.

Child Protection

  • Educated over 8,320 villagers on the negative effects of child marriage through the Ending Child Marriage campaign.
  • Provided spiritual nurturing and life skills training for about 1,580 children through Bible clubs.


  • Organised reading clubs, community libraries, reading camps and community literacy programmes to improve children’s reading skills acquisition and reading comprehension, benefitting about 14,730 children.
  • Equipped teachers and parents with proper knowledge and skills to support the “home schooling” initiative as instructors during COVID-19, benefitting about 5,160 children.

Health and Nutrition

  • Monitored the growth and development of over 14,000 children to ensure that they were receiving appropriate care by their families.
  • Reached 27,950 people with information on the prevention of COVID-19.
  • Provided handwashing tools and protective equipment for over 9,370 people in health facilities, village clinics, churches and communities.


  • Promoted crop diversification to reduce the possible risk of crop failures and food shortage, benefitting over 4,510 farmers.
  • Trained over 4,460 farmers on farming technology, seed management techniques and agro-economic practices.


  • Provided access to clean and potable water for over 26,530 people by constructing 53 water taps and rehabilitating 4 boreholes and 80 water points in schools and communities.
  • Improved the basic sanitation facilities of 9,930 households and 10 schools to prevent diarrhoea.

Funding (HK$): $19,099,170; No. of Beneficiaries: 106,870

Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities

  • Provided over 300 children with disabilities with disability assessments and equipment including wheelchairs and special desks, and referred children with needs for treatment.
  • Trained about 220 teachers on providing psychosocial support for children with special needs.
  • Enabled about 320 parents and caregivers to better understand children’s rights and the importance of education for their children with special needs.

Funding (HK$): $756,470; No. of Beneficiaries: 12,270

Livestock Enhancement

  • Enabled about 1,350 children to gain access to animal protein-rich nutritious foods and continue to enjoy good health.
  • Facilitated a goat pass-on programme to enable about 140 households to receive goats from first batch of beneficiaries.

Funding (HK$): $522,130; No. of Beneficiaries: 11,050

Total Funding (HK$): 20,377,770; Total No. of Beneficiaries: 130,190

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