Passing on Blessings Like Sponsors


Passing on Blessings Like Sponsors

By Elissa Webster

In Mike’s community in Malawi, more and more children are quitting their education to find work to help their families earn money. Mike feels lucky he gets to access education, and eat before going to school. He knows things weren’t always so good for his family.

“There was an El Nino pattern and it was very dry, so we couldn’t grow much food. We could only have one meal a day,” recalls Mike’s father. But life is different now, and it’s because Mike and three of his sisters are sponsored. “World Vision gave us some supplies during that time and that helped us get through. They taught us how to make manure fertilizer. When the crops grew, it was a bumper yield,” says Mike’s father. With the help of their sponsors, the family has been able to boost the production of the vegetables they eat and sell, as well as to get the books and other supplies the children need for school.

Moreover, their sponsors also gave them two goats and training on how to care for and breed them. By breeding the goats, they have established a reliable source of income, and can sell one when they need cash for school fees or house repairs. It is part of a livestock “Pass On” project – the first kids born to Mike’s goats were passed on to another family in need in the community so that they could breed them too, and they will do the same.

Together, the sponsors are removing the barriers to education and providing opportunities to increase income to enable a stable source of nutrition for Mike’s family, benefiting the whole community, and Mike is determined to help continue their journey to a better quality of life. “I hope that people no longer lack basic things in their life,” says Mike.

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