


Care for the needs across mainland China

World Vision has carried out emergency relief work in China since 1982. In recent years, despite enjoying a rapid economic growth, China has seen the rise of various social issues, such as rural-urban disparity in development and a widening gap between the rich and the poor. While attention is on the country's economic achievements, the needs of underprivileged children (especially left-behind children, migrant children, and children with disability) are often neglected.

Through World Vision China Partners, our monthly donation programme, you can work with us to care for children in mainland and support different areas of work of World Vision in China, helping the underprivileged children and families alleviate hardship in their everyday lives.

Left-behind Children

Left-behind children refers to those rural children whose parents have left for the city to work, that they have to live apart from their parents most of the time. More job opportunities and higher wages in the cities have drawn a large number of farmers to work in cities. Without direct support from their parents, left-behind children have to face challenges from their daily lives, study and development, resulting in them being more prone to having emotional or behavioural problems.

In 2020, there are more than 41.7 million left-behind children in villages in mainland China, and more than 25.1 million left-behind children in cities. 1

Migrant Children

Migrant children refers to children from rural area migrated to urban with their parents, the migrant workers. The parents, though working in urban area, can hardly transfer their household registered at the rural area originally. In China, since the household registration system is linked with many important social welfare and services, migrant children are deprived of a wide range of social welfare and services, including access to urban public school.

In 2020, there are around 71 million migrant children aged between 0-17 in mainland China, amounting to 23.9% of the total child population. Around 64 million of them live in cities, that is about 34.2% of the child population in the cities, which means every 1 in 3 children living in cities are migrant children. 1

Children with Disability

Children with disability are facing multiple challenges. The stigma that disabled people are the burden of the society and that they lack the potential to contribute has deprived them of career and vocational training opportunities. Besides, the parents of children with disability usually do not have access to rehabilitation services for their children, which is especially the case among low income families or rural families.

In 2018, there are about 5 million children with disability in mainland China. 2


  1. “What the 2020 Census Can Tell Us About Children in China”, 2023 National Bureau of Statistics of China, UNICEF China, UNFPA China
  2. An Atlas of Social Indicators of Children in China 2018”, National Working Committee on Children and Women (NWCCW) under the State Council, the National Bureau of Statistics, and UNICEF

Scope of Work


  1. In Financial Year 2022, World Vision China Partners carried out development programmes in 8 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across China, including Shaanxi, Tianjin, Hebei, Jiangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangdong and Guangxi.
  2. World Vision China Partners is a monthly donation programme. Through regular donations, donors can support World Vision in implementing a wide spectrum of development programmes, which provide practical support to underprivileged children and families in mainland China, and help them overcome difficulties.
    • Education and Life Skills Training – Enhance educational resources and facilities; support schools in rolling out life skills training; organise teachers' capacity building workshops
    • Special Childcare Services – Provide rehabilitation, medical and education opportunities for children with disability; provide capacity building support to staff in children’s welfare organisations
    • Child Protection and Care – Establish children and youth centres to care for children, especially left-behind children, migrant children and their families; help raise awareness on child protection among children, parents, caregivers, child workers and stakeholders
    • Community Environment Improvements – Build and restore water and sanitation facilities, such as latrines and water supply systems; equip communities with disaster risk reduction capacity and facilities

    Donations to World Vision China Partners will also be used to support relief and rehabilitation work, and promote disaster prevention measures in China.

  3. All World Vision China Partners will receive the annual report of World Vision Hong Kong, to keep you informed about our use of donations and work highlights in mainland China during the year.
  4. Your monthly donations are used to support World Vision to implement various development programmes in mainland China to help underprivileged children and families. In financial year 2023, 90% of the total fund was used in global relief and community development programmes, and reserves, to help those in need.
  5. Yes, your donations are tax-deductible. To encourage charity donations, the HKSAR Government exempts up to 35% of assessable income or profits on donations to recognised charity organisations, and World Vision Hong Kong is one of them. Donors will receive a receipt for their donations. In order to reduce administration costs and to better utilise our resources, an annual receipt listing the total donations over the past fiscal year will be issued to every World Vision China Partner and other long-term donors in April each year, for you to review your total donation amount during the period.
  6. You can choose from direct debit, credit card, PPS, crossed cheques, our online payment system, or visit our office in person to make a donation by cash or EPS. You can help us save on administration costs by choosing direct debit.
  7. Yes, you can terminate your donations to World Vision China Partners for financial or other personal reasons. Please call our Donor Services Hotline on 2394 2394 for the termination.