Preventing Child Labour with Coffee


Preventing Child Labour with Coffee

Faced with the problem of child labour associated with coffee production in western Honduras, World Vision is partnering with the Association of Coffee Exporters of Honduras and a coffee producer to construct Child Care and Development Centres.

The project "Prevention of child labour in the coffee sector" and the technical programme "Prevention of violence" are initiatives of World Vision Honduras, which has joined forces with local governments, coffee cooperatives, coffee producers and marketers to develop actions that strengthen the knowledge, abilities and skills of boys and girls who attend the centres.

The initiative provides support for the teaching team of the care centres to help children aged between eight and 12. Each child participating in the workshop received a kit of materials that contained supplies including pencils, colours, a wooden easel, sheets of watercolour paper, a set of brushes, and canvas. In the process of art making, children not only get to learn painting techniques, but also gain knowledge on the different uses of coffee bean derivatives, as well as the coffee industry and its value chain.

With these activities, the centres have become a viable alternative to prevent child labour among vulnerable boys and girls who are at risk.

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